Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pinboard [redo]

Long time no see or talk huh?! I am sure you are wondering where and what have I been up to? Well, repainting my WHOLE kitchen including cabinets and all. {Those posts will come later once the island and some more decorating are complete} But on the brighter side, I finally got around to updating my pinboard that has been hanging above my Babers office/desk for the last year. So here is the before

Pretty simple right? and maybe some fading


All pretty and hung! Now, to put up all my inspriations again!

How to:

spray paint the border
fabric, (I used burlap)
spray adhesvise (which helps attach the fabric nicely)
upholstery tacks

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fresh {new colors}

Hello all! Hope you are having/had a great weekend! On weekends I try to accomplish one project, that it be decorating or some other fab thing, like cleaning! Well, I chose to decorate this weekend. My living room needs more color and I have been loving the new trend of mustard and navy lately, so new colors here I come!

Before: the boring browns

After: The lively and fresh navy blue

I had found the blue fabric on the clearance section at Joann's and I just had to have! Plus, I bought enough yardage to make another one! Perfecto! I used a very simple tutorial. From start to finish it took 45 mins! Alot easier than I thought it would be. Here is the link for the pillow case. Enjoy crafting! I have about 5 more pillows to redo in my house now! P.S. the mustard pillow case was a West Elm clearance item.

Happy Sunday....carla.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Day

I just had to share the BEAUITFUL weather we have been having here in the Midwest! It's like a dream come true to be outside and having oh so much fun!

This is how my and my little girl enjoy a most wonderful day outside, freshly painted nails! Enjoy the weather!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh so Mustard Scarf

I know, I know, I have kinda have been in scarf mode. It's addicting with all this amazing fabric to make such great scarves! I've had the following fabric for quite some time. It is a real interesting fabric. It's lace but yet it's stretchy. OH, and did I mention about the color? Mustard. It's my new favorite color. Yet, another great spring accessory. (This scarf will also be sold at the up coming craft shows {$15}. If you can't come to purchase, please feel free to contact me for an order.)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Scarves on the Mind {Jersey Knit Scarf}

Well, it is finally snowing here, hurray!!! I really do love snow (when I don't have to drive in it). Anyways, remember from my previous blog post found here, I had found some fab fabric finds at our local 2nd hand store. In the event that it is snowing out, I had to go with a white theme. You will see below what I made out of white jersey knit fabric. Super comfy, lots of texture and style!

Neat right? And, it has spring fever written all over it!

If you interested in this scarf, please feel free to contact me. The cost, $13.

Bring on the snow and spring fever!! carla.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feeling Spring {Infinity Scarf}

So, I was out-n-about at our local 2nd hand store and I ran across some fabric, boy was I in my glory. I found some other fab finds, but I'll post about them later. Any who, I have been feeling a little spring fever, since we don't have any snow here. Below is some of the fabric I found and I just had to make something and an infinity scarf it was. Enjoy the spring fever, even though it's only February.

This scarf will be FOR SALE at the Monte Women's Expo on March 10 and Prairie's Edge Craft Show April 10 (if they don't sell out). If you can't wait until these shows to get your hands on this scarf, contact me and I will set up a transaction through Etsy. The scarf sells for $13.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Baby Gift {loafers}

The next couple months are going to be busy around here since there are so many babies being born.Yesterday was the start of the so-called "baby boom" in our group of friends and relatives. So, to start off the baby gifts, I made some sweet loafers from the Joyfolie pattern, found here. It just so happened I had all the right supplies on hand to make some little boy loafers!

I am sure I'll be posting more of my baby gifts I have planned for all these special people in our lives!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Treat {Shoe Clips}

Well as of yesterday afternoon I finished our taxes!! YIPPEEE! So, to treat myself for all that hard work and baby girl was still napping, I decided to make myself some shoe clips for my new sparkly shoes.

Have you ever heard of shoe clips? They are a fun accessory that clips onto your shoe, that is be a bow, flower, etc.

I made mine from left over fabric I had lying around and it turned out perfect!!!

Pretty cute right!!  I'll be making lots more these for my other shoes. Stay tuned for other ideas for shoe clips. Have a great Saturday!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Baby Room {refashion}

It's Wednesday!!! What a great feeling of another wonderful week with my sweet 1 year old. Well, the next project I needed to complete was done this weekend while I was completing my chalkboard painting project here. I love attending craft shows and I picked up this sweet little number at our local craft show, since this is the prayer we say to our daughter every night before we go to bed.

So as you can see this doesn't look very babyish, but the prayer is oh so important. So it needed a change up. I have it all taped ready to go for a {blue} makeover!

**************************After a couple hours of drying*****************************

{sorry about the blurred picture? Don't really know why that is happening?}

Ta Dahh!

Here is another picture to give you an idea of how it all fits together.

Hope this inspires you to change something with just a splash of color!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Chalkboard Paint {refashion}

I am finally getting around to accomplishing my little projects. The new thing is 'chalkboard paint in a can'. Love the look of it and the simplicity of it. So, I too had to hop on the bandwagon and make some chalkboard paint art.

As you see below I found these two small mirrors at the ol' Goodwill store for $.99 each. Had some white paint in a can from previous project, so I just had to purchase some chalkboard paint. ($4.98)

After some white paint and patience of drying, my project was complete and super simple.

End Result:

*side note: I purchased the stand from another thrift store for $.49 and I got two of them. So, grand total of $8.00 for redecorating my bathroom (as seen above) and kitchen (not pictured).

Have a Great Day!!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Sneek Peek {Playroom}

Another day and another refashion of this old farmhouse. I am finally getting around to decorating my playroom/craft room/office! It's quite the undertaking since all three area I feel need their own style, but thankfully for Pinterest I have been able to get some ideas of how I want to decorate.

Like I said I got the inspiration from Pinterest {see below}

                                         Pinned Image

                                                           Via {Pinterest}
So it got my wheels turning and since I have been obbessed with felt due to my Babers business with felt flowers and headbands, I have all the supplies right at my fingertips.

So here is a sneek peek of the play area.

What do you think?
Simple right? Cute, too! And it describes my daughter to a "T".

Here is a close up of one of the framed masterpieces.


Scroll to Top

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My {new} room: Bedroom

What an undertaking it was remodeling our WHOLE upper half of our house, but its not like we haven't remodeled before. (We have remodeled our whole house except our kitchen) So here is our bedroom to start off my simple but yet creative {babers blog}. Enjoy!

This of course is our bed.

The quilt is from West Elm. I made the headboards from a Goodwill find. (they are just two canvas's recovered with fabric.) Accent pillows from local store and the stumps are from our groove. Since I didn't feel the stumps would look appropriate with a lamp, I did some research and found these neat lights from Ikea. (Thank you best g'f for picking them up for me, since I never get to the Twin Cities!)

The dresser

This dresser my hubby got on an auction from the neighbor lady. So it was the typical walnutty color. The dresser was still in great condition, so I painted it a fun carhcoal/green/grey color. I kept the original knobs, just spray painted them a brushed bronze. (tut to follow on dresser makeover)

dresser #2

Dresser #2 is in a little nook of our room. The dresser itself is in orignal condition, but with updated hardware (since there was no hardware on it!) The lamp was part of our room before but revamped. (before and after coming soon). This dressers main job is to host all things that need to be charged, hence our charging station on the left of the dresser.

Close up of the nightstand/stump. (I put a rug under it just to make sure no messes would happen in the drying out period. I plan to take out rug after winter)

Well, this is my bedroom. Next, bathroom! That has a couple tweeks and that will be posted!

P.S. The walls are painted in SW: Balanced Beige