Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pinboard [redo]

Long time no see or talk huh?! I am sure you are wondering where and what have I been up to? Well, repainting my WHOLE kitchen including cabinets and all. {Those posts will come later once the island and some more decorating are complete} But on the brighter side, I finally got around to updating my pinboard that has been hanging above my Babers office/desk for the last year. So here is the before

Pretty simple right? and maybe some fading


All pretty and hung! Now, to put up all my inspriations again!

How to:

spray paint the border
fabric, (I used burlap)
spray adhesvise (which helps attach the fabric nicely)
upholstery tacks

1 comment:

Emma Vogelsang said...

That is cute!
